May 22, 2022


Updated: May 23, 2022


The immensely talented Claudillea has recently unveiled her debut EP, titled 'Chaos Is My Friend.' A five-track collection of tracks, her new EP sees her develop an astounding operative vocal to alt-pop and R&B soundscapes. Deriving inspiration from Nina Simone, due to her stance on how art should reflect the times, a key message of self-empowerment and defiance is evident with this EP and is a dynamic and dramatic fusion of genres.

"I want my EP to show that we all have different layers. We are all multi-layered and not just one thing, so it's about embracing all those different sides. When I was choosing what songs to put on the EP, my first thought of doubt came about how they were too different, the sounds were different. All those sounds are just different expressions of myself. It's important for myself and others to always embrace all of ourselves. I feel very passionately about equality across the board, and that everyone should be given the same opportunities. I also believe that people have power, and our voices are so important."

Words and Interview: Rachel Dempster

Here at The Lowdown, we had the opportunity to speak with Claudillea about her new EP, the process of creating the EP and more. Keep reading to check out what she had to say!

You have recently released your eagerly anticipated debut EP, 'Chaos Is My Friend.' What has it been like for you to get new music released?

"It's a grind! I severely underestimated how much goes on behind the scenes of releasing a project like an EP. As an independent and self-managed artist, there was a heck of a lot of admin to do, and initially I thought it wold come out in July 2020, alas, the date just kept getting pushed back, and although it was stressful at the time, I truly believe it came out exactly when it was supposed to. It's been such an amazing release, to finally have it out in the world after two years!"

Could you sum up the EP in a couple of words?

"The EP is about embracing all of one's layers and chaos."

The EP was a long time in the making, but do you have a stand-out memory from creating it?

"Definitely being in the studio creating it. There were numerous moments where I had to pinch myself to see if it was real and if I was really in a room creating magic with the people I did."

Is there a particular track on the EP that has a special memory for you, or do they all represent something special?

"They definitely all do, but 'Release You' is particularly dear to me, perhaps only in hindsight, because upon reflection, it was the first song where I felt like I truly was a vessel for something else when I wrote it."

Your music has an important theme of defiance and self-empowerment. Do you believe it's important that your music carries a theme, to connect with listeners on a deeper level?

"Oh - for sure! My favourite artists have always had something to say. I think there's a place for joy and escapism in music (and very much enjoying creating in that vein), but I am also deeply affected by the world around me, and I think as artists we have the opportunity to talk about things on a deeper level. I'm not trying to shove an agenda down anyone's throat, but just maybe if they're open to it, think about things in a different way."

Has music always been something that you have wanted to be involved in?

"From the minute I could open my mouth, I think everyone, including myself, knew. I'm very grateful I have parents who supported me from the very beginning, even when the sound coming out of mouth was not too pleasant!"

Do you have a favourite memory from your career to date, and what is something that you would most like to achieve?

"There was a day in 2020 where I was randomly asked to come to a writing session with a group of people I had never met. We spent the day writing a song (which was a banger by the way) and on the train ride home, I could not stop smiling. I just remember feeling that if I can be in rooms creating for the rest of my life, I will die very, very happy."

Do you have a favourite lyric from the EP?

"'While you lie there, you'll pull through."'

What else does 2022 have in store for you that you can tell us about?

"Lots of live music to be revealed!"

Finally, do you have a message for all those who support you?

"Thank you for sticking with me on this journey. I can't wait to share more of my chaos with you soon, hopefully in real life/in person."

'Chaos Is My Friend' is out now.

Listen HERE

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