Sep 23, 2020

Lucia & The Best Boys | Perfectly Untrue

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

Scottish exports Lucia & The Best Boys shine on their new track ‘Perfectly Untrue’ which see’s the band use deeper bass lines and deeper vocals. 

Lucia & The Best Boys have become one of Scotland’s best indie exports with singles such as Summertime topping Spotify playlists and becoming a hit with fans and music critics alike.

The four piece from Glasgow have now released a new track titled ‘perfectly untrue’ which explores how we put on a front in a bid to not show emotion hence the lyric:

“ I pretend I’m perfect, but I’m perfectly untrue”. 

The new single heads in a different direction to those previous however with it’s more prominent bass line and effervescent but haunting vocals that grip the brain allowing itself to get stuck in your head for days with no apology.

The song almost feels like if a Bramstoker’s Dracula was made into a 3 minute audio book filled with dark but exciting moments that feel fresh and inspiring. 

Listen to 'Perfectly Untrue' HERE
Instagram: @luciabestboys