Out of the global lockdown gloom, 17 year old Denis Coleman emerges with the release of his new single ‘Make Friends‘. The first taster from his upcoming EP, due out this Summer.

As most savvy Gen Z’ers replace the current lack of human contact with more creative interaction on social media, the US born/London based Denis is no exception.
Determined to release his new single in May, Denis has spent the past 6 weeks teasing his growing fanbase via social media, recording the track from home and then creating an animated video and an avatar of himself in place of a shoot, all under lockdown!
Wind back a few months and Denis was in the studio working on the early stages of his debut EP and single ‘Make Friends’. The track was written in a session with Ben Cavanagh and producer Pete Hammerton (who’s previously collaborated with everybody from One Direction to Britney Spears). It was the first time the trio had worked together.
“It's getting easier to make friends / but they keep on getting much harder to find,”
‘Make Friends’ is an anthem for the changing nature of kinship online, and what it means to “put ourselves out there, searching for validation over genuine friendship, and how that can be a pretty unhealthy situation”.
Of course, his storytelling on the modern age is filtered through a lens few behemoth popstars can relate to: the internet and social media has been in Denis’ world since the day he was born.
At 17, Denis Coleman is wiser than most pop stars; ambitious but canny, and prepared for the bright, bombastic future that’s coming his way.
Listen to the track HERE
Instagram: @deniscolemanmusic