What's your name & where are you from?
"Hey I’m Giacomo but if that's too long just Gia, for some reason online I’m glitch boy… not really sure how that happened I don’t even remember making it my name but anyway, hi yeah that's me I’m from my bedroom somewhere in the UK."
What is a unique fact or story about you?
"i’ve had braces for five years & I look 12."
For any TikTok newbies, what is it that attracted you to the platform and what is it that you love most about it?
"Honestly when I first started tiktok it was still a joke and everyone was just posting random stuff and making fun of each other, I obviously felt the need to hop on it and my videos suckeddd. It started on a break from schoolI, I literally used to do nothing and post like 11 awful videos everyday. After that phase tiktok started to get super popular and I just carried on. I’ve always been a big social media kid but this was the first time I started to gain a proper following, which was weird but the best."
What has been your favourite dance or trend recently?
"At the moment I'm obsessed with people who are switching up their appearance, doing funky hairstyles and makeup stuff. I’ve got really into making those videos lately. The dancers are super cool as well, but that's defo not my journey, I look super possessed when I dance ._."
TikTok is famous for sending sounds / songs viral on there, which 5 tracks do you recommend we add to our playlist?
"my playlist is all over the place because of tiktok but i'd probably say
‘greek god’ (Conan Gray)
‘All the things she said’ (t.A.T.u)
‘1999 she’ (Deaton Chris Anthony)
‘Primadonna’ (MARINA)
play poker remix - remix’ (SEBii)"
There's a real community feel within the app, which other creators should we check out and why? (Your top 3 creators / people you hope to collaborate with)
"@nmillz1 and obviously @emmachamberlain they’re both super funny also anyone with blue hair, they’re usually pretty fun."
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
"I have no idea I don’t plan anything. I'm a mess, erm I’ve never done merch that sounds pretty cool I’d love to do that. & I believe in a past life I was a famous popstar so that makes sense… yeah Idk, probably just posting loads more content on tiktok and insta @glitch.boy & I wanna start posting way more on youtube @giacomo"
Finally, which is your favourite TikTok you've created so far and why?
"There was a recent one that blew up for me, it got 8 million views super quick and it was insane. Basically just me painting a blue clown thing on my face, I’m not sure why that's the one that's doing well but a few really big tiktokers commented so i guess people like it.'" WATCH HERE