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Harry Gardner | Social Spotlight

What's your name & where are you from?

Harry Gardner, Northamptonshire 

What is a unique fact or story about you?

I have had 4 surgeries in 4 consecutive years all for different things. 

For any TikTok newbies, what is it that attracted you to the platform and what is it that you love most about it?

I love how easy it can be to spread a positive message as well as scroll for hours not knowing what video will pop up next.  

What has been your favourite dance or trend recently?

Dancing infront of my parents, recently to a sound titled you need me to have no idea 

TikTok is famous for sending sounds / songs viral on there, which 5 tracks do you recommend we add to our playlist?

No idea - Don Toliver, 

What they want - Russ 

Savage love - Jason Derulo 

Rockstar - DaBaby

Rover - S1mba

There's a real community feel within the app, which other creators should we check out and why? 

itsronniew, conorjamess27, officialasb

They are all genuine people who love to spread positivity and use the app for good 

What can we expect to see from you in the future? 

Hopefully merch, radio interviews and possibly TV appearances 

Finally, which is your favourite TikTok you've created so far and why?

This video is a personal favourite as I have an amazing relationship with my mum and this is a classic mum moment I managed to get on film. 


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