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Introducing I World's First Cinema

Here at The Lowdown, we love introducing our readers to new music that we highly recommend checking out! We now introduce you to World's First Cinema, who unveiled their singles 'Can't Feel Anything' and 'Red Run Cold' in 2020, both of which have amassed over one million streams. Most recently, they have released their new single 'Cold Sets In,' taken from their debut EP 'Rituals.' A mix of bold and sweeping cellos accompanied by an emotional piano progression, this track gives a captivating cinematic atmosphere.

World's First Cinema was founded in 2019, when Fil Thorpe, who was a founding member of Neck Deep, decided to pursue a career in production. He then met John Sinclair (also known as Saint Claire), who has previously collaborated with Macklemore on his 2017 single 'Excavate.'

"The visual aesthetic and identity of the project is almost as equally important as the music itself. We have created this universe of stories that we want people to believe in, almost like a TV series or book series. There are these recurring characters and themes running throughout each song, inspired by our love of dark fantasy and classic horror. Our lyrics tie the songs together in order to tell a story and create different timelines."

The duo's main intention is to create a bold and cinematic journey that depicts them as musical adventurers. They channel the dark atmosphere and theatrics of Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance. They intend to continue writing, creating, producing and touring.

"The project began out of the blue, almost by accident, but we very quickly recognised that it was something very special. Once we had written a handful of songs, we began dreaming up the narrative and concept of the project. From there, it all got deeper and deeper until we had built this whole universe behind the music. Now everything we do, from artwork to lyrics, is concisely and purposefully planned - usually foreshadowing something else that will be coming in the future."

You have recently released your new single, titled 'Cold Sets In.' What has it been like for you to release new music?

"It feels great! The feedback has been incredible for such a new project. We feel super fortunate to be releasing new music, especially right now, during a pandemic! It's been giving us something to focus on, for sure!"

For anyone who hasn't heard the new single yet, can you sum it up in a few words?

"Sweeping cello riffs which open up into a soulful and cinematic ballad."

How did World's First Cinema be brought to life, as it were? How did you meet? Was music a route that you both always wanted to take?

"We met in LA at a board game night - very serendipitous! When we started working together, it was supposed to just be for a limited project making music for a film, but it just exploded! It's like we found this incredible cinematic pocket, and our skills combined just right to make it happen. We were having too much fun to let it lie."

Lockdown has inevitably been very difficult for everyone, but have you found that it has given you more of an opportunity to focus on your own music?

"It's both easier and harder to focus on yourself and your music in a pandemic. You have free time, but time moves really differently. You don't have the usual stimulation of daily life, and it can start to drag on you. We've found a great balance of drive and rest while working together."

What are your plans for 2021?

"2021 is going to be big for us! We can't spoil too much yet, but we have plans for the entire year already mapped out."

Finally, do you have a message for all of your supporters?

"We're shocked and humbled at the early support. We can't express how grateful we are. To everybody who has already got on the journey with us at this early stage, there is going to a massive pay-off down the line! We've got so much in's driving us crazy not being able to immediately release it!"

World's First Cinema's debut EP 'Rituals' is out now and is available on all purchasing and streaming outlets.

By Rachel Dempster


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