You've probably heard of 'Love Island' since it's one of itv's biggest shows in their annual calendar, but have you heard of 'KG Love Island'?
'KG Love Island' is a social media sensation, inspired by the hit TV show, which follows a group of teenagers who 'date' virtually through TikTok, Instagram and Zoom, communicating through group chats as well as 'Lads' and 'Girls' group chats. The #kgloveisland tag on TikTok has amassed 75.8million views in total, as well as 225,000 followers and 70,000 Instagram followers.
The format features many of the classic elements of the show including decouplings, dumping from the island and 'hut chats'.
We spoke to Kieran Gray, the show's creator about all things TikTok.
What's your name & where are you from?
Kieran Gray, Leicester.

What is a unique fact or story about you?
I died as a baby and was brought back to life!
For any TikTok newbies, what is it that attracted you to the platform and what is it that you love most about it?
For me it was the ability to help people and use your platform to better yourself and others. Such as going live and giving people advice on different topics and help as much as i can.
What has been your favourite dance or trend recently?
KGIsland!! I started a TikTok “Love Island” and a lot of people are loving it!
TikTok is famous for sending sounds / songs viral on there, which 5 tracks do you recommend we add to our playlist?
Chicago Freestyle,
What’s Poppin’
& Holy Moly.
There's a real community feel within the app, which other creators should we check out and why? (Your top 3 creators / people you hope to collaborate with)
Louie Mills, Erin Morrissey & Lewis Leigh.
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
I’m going to continue to grow on my personal account but I also have the “KGIslanders” account, I have an idea for that in the future!
Finally, which is your favourite TikTok you've created so far and why?
My Favourite would have to be this video because that is the beginning of my “KGIsland” and it has allowed a lot of us many different opportunities and helped us all to grow on our personal account, so for that reason it is my favourite.