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Likeable Lars | Medicine

Following the success of their debut single 'Me and My Molly', Likeable Lars have returned with their new release 'Medicine'.


This single is about being stuck, lost and confused, and wanting to have some sort of medicine to heal. Likeable Lars likes to play with chords, and this chord progression is focused around a melody moving one semitone down each chord change, and using that melody note to create tension and always lead naturally to the next chord.

"The production focuses on many layers of different sounds, and a lot of ear candy and variations, creating a rich environment you can spend hours in".

After producing Norwegian songs for well known Norwegian artists, getting featured on lists like Norway top 50 among others, with experience as both manager and entrepreneur, the childhood friends Lars and Ketil teamed up and created the duo Likeable Lars.

Likeable Lars could be described as a musical sanctuary for the two producers. Despite being Norwegian, most of Likeable Lars´s musical influences comes from artists such as Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Frank Ocean, Bon Iver, Jay-z to name a few. When the creative reins are released, the natural Scandinavian feel for structured and orderly melodies is mixed with heavy and dirty hip-hop references.

The result is a unique blend that they could listen to all day. Moving forward, Likeable Lars will be releasing an EP consisting of 4 songs. Stay tuned for that!


Listen to the track HERE

Instagram: @likeablelars


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