What's your name & where are you from?
My name is Ollie Cooke. I was born in Newcastle. However, I moved down to Brighton when I was 10 to be closer to my family who live abroad. My parents are German and Maltese.

What is a unique fact or story about you? An interesting fact about myself would be, I am actually an identical twin. My brother is 4 minutes older than me. Unfortunately I wasn’t the first twin to come out but they always say first the worst, second the best!
For any TikTok newbies, what is it that attracted you to the platform and what is it that you love most about it?
The reason I downloaded tiktok back in December 2019 was to just scroll through videos. Not once did I think I would be were I am now with the platform. I love the support from all my followers and other tiktokers which I am friends with.
What has been your favourite dance or trend recently?
Unfortunately, I do not do a lot of tiktok dances so I wouldn’t be able to give an example of one I love. However, I have found a interest in following the Answering The Questions trend which is very popular right now on the app.
TikTok is famous for sending sounds / songs viral on there, which 5 tracks do you recommend we add to our playlist?
5 songs which I have added to my own playlist would be,
1) Gimme Love - Joji
2) Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles
3) Hatchback - Cochise
4) Who’s That What’s That - Niko B
5) After Party - Don TOliver
There's a real community feel within the app, which other creators should we check out and why?
The few creators which I get along with the most and have treated me so nicely would be, @Darlinghudsonn. I would watch her videos for hours and just laugh so much, she’s also so lovely and kind. Next, would be Belpriestly. She’s an advocate for The transgender community and her story is beautiful, I know she’s going to go far in life. Lastly, Fin drakes. His growth in such a small time is blind blowing and his videos are funny and relatable.
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
In the future, I hope to progress further with my social media platforms. I hope after the whole pandemic, which is going on at the minute, I will be able to grow further and create more content for my followers.
Finally, which is your favourite TikTok you've created so far and why?
My favourite tiktok which I created would be a video using a sound from the movie This is England. I made my own comedy video to the sound and I am very pleased with it!