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Ones To Watch 2020 | WENS

Singer / songwriter WENS has been writing since a young age, when her oldest sister got a job in the music industry and introduced WENS to songwriter/producer Jennifer Decilveo. Decilveo encouraged the 12 year old to continue writing, meanwhile nurturing her craft and, once WENS was 16, began bringing her along to songwriting sessions for the artists she was working with.


While at Coachella, WENS watched an artist perform a song she wrote, and in that moment, that’s when she realised she wanted to be the one singing her own words. WENS is now putting the focus on herself, turning to the songs inside of her to understand her past and illuminate her future.

We had a chat with WENS as part of our Ones To Watch feature for 2020!

Where are you from?


When did you start making music?

"Pretty sure when I was in the womb. But I started taking it seriously when I was about 12 or 13."

Can you sum up the world of WENS in one sentence?

"Weirdo, Extra(terrestrial), Nerdy, Silly."

You released your new single “Beauty Queen” on Valentine’s Day. Why an ‘Anti-Valentine’s’ song. Was there an inspiration or story behind the track? 

"The song was written about a crush that was never reciprocated. Sadly, the guy I liked was 10 years older than me and basically treated me like a little sister. But the song was me imagining what could have been if I travelled back in time and met him when he was in high school."

Who are your main influences and do they correlate to who you are listening to at the moment?

"I’m really inspired by Stevie Nicks, Prince, Radiohead, Rihanna, Frank Ocean, Fka Twigs, Dominic Fike, SZA, Lorde, Lana, 070 Shake, Clairo, Ariana Grande. AHHH so many people. I fluctuate from only listening to old music and then only listening to modern day stuff."

You’ve had press absolutely buzzing over your previous releases! How does it feel to get such a good reaction to your music?

"It feels really great. When you hold onto something for so long you kind of lose all sense of perspective. So it’s nice to finally be able to share things that have been so precious to me and then get nice feedback."

What’s in store for the rest of this year?

"Putting out an EP in March! Ideally I want to be out on theroad touring as much as possible. Doing some collaborations. Finishing up an album. I’m pumped!"

Find out more about WENS HERE


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