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pink roses | another girl

First love nostalgia is in bloom in pink roses’ newest single 'another girl'.


The recent releases of pink roses have placed the Los Angeles indie-pop duo on the radar of the

likes of industry mogul Scooter Braun, who has shared their music via Instagram. This follows the bands growing presence on the private app, Clubhouse which lead singer Dave Fontenot was an early tech investor on.

'another girl' see’s the independent Bedroom Pop up-and-comers expand their songwriting palette in a way that could easily excite fans of The 1975 and LANY. Hazy and swaying, the song feels made for the late summer sun.

The band have announced their plans to release a full EP later this year and promise to return to live performances until achieving dreams of stadium shows. Until then 'another girl' has been released independently and is now available to stream.


Listen to 'another girl' HERE

Instagram: @pinkroses


Instagram: @mattyjones_x


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