What's your name & where are you from?
My names Jordan Daniels but nowadays many call me “Yvng Homie”, I was raised and born in Kentucky.

What is a unique fact or story about you?
I started as kid that would always dance. When I was about 4, my mom always said anytime I hear any type of music, I start dancing out of nowhere and I guess it just stuck with me. I was always into making videos and posting them through the internet, but dancing I guess was just my main favorite thing to do.
For any TikTok newbies, what is it that attracted you to the platform and what is it that you love most about it?
The thing that got me to enjoy TikTok was all the funny and amazing content that people post throughout the platform. I love TikTok too because it also gives anyone the chance to make a video and blow up literally out of nowhere from it.
What has been your favourite dance or trend recently?
I would say the “Savage Love” dance is my favorite right now.
TikTok is famous for sending sounds / songs viral on there, which 5 tracks do you recommend we add to our playlist?
Savage Love,
Party Girl,
and Gooba are some good songs.
There's a real community feel within the app, which other creators should we check out and why?
I wouldn’t mind collaborating with Lil Huddy, Ondreaz, and Tony Lopez cause they‘re really cool, haven’t met them yet but maybe in time we might collaborate.
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
Mostly likely in a few years from now, I’ll be going into Acting for Movies or maybe a show.
Finally, which is your favourite TikTok you've created so far and why?
My favorite TikTok I made was very recent, it was me and my niece in North Carolina and we were really just goofing around to make the video funny and cool at the same time.